CFL Textbook Development Panel Series - Focusing on Chinese Heritage Learners: How to Develop and Adapt Teaching and Learning Materials
When and Where
Virtual: Zoom
Registration link:
Language: Chinese – Mandarin
While celebrating multiculturalism and multilingualism in our universities, we still observe a lack of adequate information, training, and resources for teachers and learners in the heritage speaker subfield. Heritage speakers are individuals who acquire a language informally through home exposure rather than formal education. This panel focuses on Chinese heritage language speakers, exploring milestones, current practices, and future directions in teaching and learning their heritage language.
Drawing on the experience developing Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners, the panelists will examine the linguistic, cultural, and learning characteristics of heritage learners. They will share insights into the challenges encountered during the textbook’s development and the strategies used to address them. This session offers valuable perspectives for educators and curriculum developers dedicated to supporting heritage language learners in their educational journeys.