- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Areas of Interest
- Chinese philosophy of art
- Chinese art theories
- Philosophical aesthetics in China and the West
- Chinese literary criticism
- Modern Taiwanese literature
Johanna Liu served as a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada from 2003-2021. She is a membre associée of centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales located in Paris, France, (2004-). She is the holder of the Lo Kuang Chair at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan (2008). She is the founder and member of the International Project of Art and Aesthetics (2008-). She has been invited as a keynote speaker for multiple conferences such as the international conference on "Locality, Identity, Retro: The Poetic Figure of Du Ye" at National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan (May 1-2 2015) and the conference titled "Envisioning ‘Things’: An International Conference on Material Culture" at the Center for Humanities at the National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan (October 17-18, 2014).
Johanna Liu’s main research interests are in the areas of philosophical aesthetics in China and in the West, Chinese art theories, and modern Taiwanese literature. Her recent research projects and publications focus on the following issues: multiculturality in the arts and aesthetics, visuality and inter-translatability, universality and figures of contemporary artists, problems of author/authorship, and aesthetics of landscape in the East and West.
Courses Taught
- EAS309H Modern Chinese Prose
- EAS408H Modern Taiwan Literature
- EAS418H Chinese Art Theories
- EAS1418H Identity and Diaspora in Taiwan Literature
- EAS1229H Topics in Chinese Aesthetics
- EAS1339H Topicss in Chinese Art Theories
- “Beyond Brush and Ink: Sketch Thought and Practice in Classical Chinese Poetry and Painting" (Fu-Jen Catholic University : 2020)
- “Reading and Translation of Classical Chinese Art Theories in Modern Sinology” (NSYSU Press : 2018)
- “Rethinking Artifact as Thing in Chinese Aesthetics” (NSYSU Press : 2016)
- “Poetic Writing in Search of an Author” (Fu-Jen Catholic University : 2015)
- “Poetic Horizon: An Aesthetic Reading of Wang Wen-hsing's Prose Writings" (NTU Press : 2013)
- “Art and Aesthetics of Music in Classical Confucianism” (Springer Verlag : 2013)
- “Image Journey: Chinese Art and Aesthetics in Diaspora in North America” (Scientific Research Publishing : 2013)
- Culture du loisir, art et esthétique (You-Feng : 2011)
- “Allégorie de la banalité et sentiment de l’oisiveté. L’Esthétique de la prose chez les lettrés chinois" (You-Feng : 2010)
- Frontières de l’art, frontières de l’esthétique (You-Feng : 2008)
- “Rhétorique et compréhension. Sur les frontières esthétique de l'écriture de la prose chinoise” (You-Feng Publisher : 2008)
- “Poïesis et quotidienneté: une lecture de la prose chinoise contemporaine” (Le Nouveau recueil : 2005)
- Difference and Praxis – A Study of Contemporary Philosophy of Art (in Chinese) ( : 2001)
- Musique et herméneutique. Étude sur le sens du langage musical ( : 2001)
- Special Issues (Universitas, A Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture – Published by the Fu-Jen Catholic University)