
Japanese Course Enrolment Instructions

Enrolment Instructions for 2024-2025 Academic Year (Last updated Sept 16, 2024) 

Important Notes: 

  • Students must submit the Japanese Course Enrolment Request Form (see below) in order to enroll in a Japanese language course. Enrollment through ACORN for any Japanese Language course is NOT available.
    • If you completed the pre-requisite Japanese language course in the 2023-2024 academic year and met the pre-requisite grade, please submit the Japanese Course Enrolment Request Form as soon as your enrolment period begins.

    • If you did not take the pre-requisite course in the 2023-2024 academic year or if you took the course but did not meet the prerequisite grade, you MUST take the placement test. Refer to the details below.

  • The department reserves the right to remove students from Japanese courses at any time of the academic year if it turns out they have intentionally underperformed their Japanese skills during the screening process. 

  • EAS120Y and EAS121H are not eligible for the CR/NCR option. 

  • Auditing is not available for all Japanese courses. 

Step 1: Take the required Level Check A 

Step 2: 

  • If Level Check A indicates that you must take the placement test, register for the interview & test.  

  • If Level Check A indicates you don’t have to take the placement test, submit the Japanese Course Enrolment Request Form below.

  • Students who completed a prerequisite course between Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 and achieved the required grade:  

    •  Submit the Japanese Enrolment Request Form below. 

                       Minimum grade in the prerequisite: 

                       EAS220Y: EAS120Y/EAS121H 67% 
                       EAS320Y: EAS220Y/EAS221H 70% 
                       EAS460H/EAS461H: EAS320Y 70% 

  • Students who completed a prerequisite course between Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 but did not achieve the required grade: 

    • Register for the placement interview & test. 

  • Student who took a prerequisite course before Fall 2023: 

    • Register for the placement interview & test regardless of your grade.  

  • Students who have never taken a prerequisite course: 

    • Register for the placement interview & test. 

Registration for the Placement Interview & Test


Important Notes: 

  • You may take the placement test either in July or August for all Japanese courses, or in November for EAS121H, EAS221H, and EAS460H. 

  • Placement in a course does not guarantee a spot. Please note that enrollment is based on the order of Japanese Course Enrolment Request Form. Those placed in July have a higher chance of securing a spot. 

  • You may take the test either in July or August, not both. However, those who take the July or August Test may retake it in November if they fail. 

  • Before registering for the interview & test, you must complete Level Check B (and Level C if instructed at the end of Level B), which provides you with a rough idea of an appropriate course for you. 

  • Registration Period: June 3 - June 14 [updated] 
  • Interview: June 24 & 25
  • Test: July 2, 10am - 12pm
  • Register here.
  • *Scores on Level Check B (and C, if applicable) will be required for registration.
  • You will receive an email containing instructions for signing up for the placement interview within a few days after the registration period ends on June 14th. Please remember to check your email regularly. Failure to sign up for the interview will result in the cancellation of your placement test registration.
  • Registration Period:  July 22 - August 2 [updated] 
  • Interview: August 12 - August 15  [updated] 
  • Test: August 20, 10am - 12pm
  • Register here.
  • *Scores on Level Check B (and C, if applicable) will be required for registration.
  • Registration Period: November 4 – November 19 [updated]
  • Interview: November 27
  • Test: November 29, 10am - 12pm
  • Register here. (tbd)
  • *Scores on Level Check B (and C, if applicable) will be required for registration.

Japanese Course Enrolment Request 

  1. Prerequisite and Form Submission: 

  • If you meet the course prerequisite, you can submit one of the forms below without needing a placement interview or test. 

  • However, if you don’t meet the prerequisite, you must take a placement interview and a test. Form submission is only accepted for those who have received their placement. 

  1. Enrolment Priority: 

  • Students in the major or specialist program of East Asian Studies (EAS) receive priority for enrolment. 

  • EAS minor students do not receive priority. 

  • Enrolling in an EAS program on ACORN solely for the purpose of gaining priority is not allowed. 

  1. Enrolment Process: 

  • The Department of East Asian Studies will manually enroll students in the course/section they requested, and no further action is required on students' part for course enrollment. This process might take time.

  • Enrolment order is determined by the Japanese Course Enrollment Request Form submissions. Please note that spaces available in each course/section are limited.  

  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding the enrolment process, please contact eas.undergrad@utoronto.ca.

  1. Forms:  (All three forms currently available will be closed at 3:30pm on Monday, September 16, and we will no longer accept the request forms after 3:30pm)

           Click the hyperlink below that represents your academic status to open the appropriate form for you.

           Make sure to use the correct link (form); using the wrong one will result in your request being disregarded. 

Graduate students from within and outside the department who need knowledge of Japanese for their research may take a Japanese course with the approval of EAS. To request enrolment, please submit the Language Course Add/Drop Request Form for Graduate Students and register for the placement interview. If placed in a course, you will be enrolled in a graduate course code though the credit does not normally count towards graduate programs. The course is graded as credit/non-credit (CR/NCR); 70% or above is required for a CR. Auditing is not an option.

EAS120Y1Y Modern Standard Japanese I

EAS121H1S Modern Standard Japanese I for Students with Background

EAS220Y1Y Modern Standard Japanese II

EAS221H1S Modern Standard Japanese II for Students with Background

EAS320Y1Y Modern Standard Japanese III

EAS460H1S Modern Standard Japanese IV-a

EAS461H1F Modern Standard Japanese IV-b

Japanese Language Program Coordinator

Name: Professor Ikuko Komuro-Lee
Office: RL 14-143
Email Address: japanese@utoronto.ca