Objectives of the Course
This is a lower intermediate level language course, which is designed for those who have learned Japanese for two years in an academic institution and/or who have passed N4 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and/or to that of A2 level of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR). Students must have completed EAS220Y1Y/EAS221H1S in the 2019-2020 academic year with a final grade of B- (70%) or above, or have passed the June/August 2020 placement test in order to take this course. A strong foundation in beginners’ level grammar and wide knowledge of vocabulary with 400 basic kanji is required.
This course aims at a strong development of the four skills in modern Japanese; speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing. The emphasis is on appropriate communication in Japanese, both in spoken and written, to the given contexts. By the end of this course, students should expect to be able to read and write long and complex passages, as well as recognize and use more kanji vocabulary in context, and to engage in both formal and casual conversations in various situations. The students will also become familiar with a wide range of aspects of modern Japanese society and culture.
In this course, communicative aspects of the language are emphasized so that the students will be able to function in Japanese. Therefore all the classes will be conducted in an interactive manner; students are encouraged to interact with the instructor and their peers in class. Active participation in class is strongly encouraged and highly evaluated.
Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. In particular, if you have a disability/health consideration that may require accommodation, please don't hesitate to approach the course instructor and/or Accessibility Services.
Instructor of the Course
KOMURO-LEE, Ikuko(小室リー 郁子)
Office: Room 14143, Robarts Library 14th Floor
E-mail Address: ikuko.komuro.lee@utoronto.ca
(for personal or urgent matters only; response between 8am to 5pm and within 24 hours on weekdays)
Office Hours: Please sign up for your meeting in the shared file.
<Fall Term> 9-10am on Tuesdays and 1-2pm on Friday, or by appointment; <Winter Term> TBA
Course Website: Quercus, University of Toronto
It is your responsibility to check the information on Quercus on a regular basis. Important/urgent announcements on the course will be posted at “Announcements.”
Textbooks and Other Materials
1. Reading Road 多様な日本を読む(2019)くろしお出版
2. 聞いて覚える話し方 日本語生中継 初中級編1(2006)くろしお出版
3. Other supplementary handouts need to be downloaded and printed from the Quercus course website throughout the year.
*Please see for details "教科書について" under "授業が始まる前に……" from the Quercus HOME page.
**The usage of any copies violating copyrights is not permitted in this course.
Class Timetable
Mondays & Wednesdays, 9am to 11 am (EDT/EST).
Zoom will be used and the information to join the session (class) will be provided on Quercus.
Format of the Course
- This 2020-2021 academic year course will be conducted fully online through the year. A two-hour class meets twice a week and you must attend class. No recording of class will be available.1 You need to have both a webcam and a microphone on during class for educational purposes.
- You will learn materials of both “Reading Road” and “日本語生中継” in every class. It is your responsibility to check the term schedule and “今日の授業” as well as the materials you need to work on, on a regular basis. All the information you need is available or will be posted in a timely manner on Quercus. Some of them have a specific due date and please pay attention not to miss it.
- Both preparation and review for each class is crucial. If you have any questions or concerns, please be advised to visit the instructor during the office hours as soon as possible.
- Please make good friends with a dictionary. A good dictionary is one full of example sentences. If you encounter an unknown word, please take time to check the word in a dictionary. You need to “read” the definitions and example sentences to fully understand the meanings and the usages of the word. It is important to learn how the word is used in what kind of context in building up a strong vocabulary.
Assessment | Percentage | Description |
Assignments (宿題) |
18% |
1. Reading Road (Total: 10%)
2. 日本語生中継 (Total: 8%)
Quizzes (小テスト) |
30% (= 3% x 10) |
There will be a review quiz on every lesson of “Reading Road.” One quiz consists of two parts: “語(ご)彙(い)・表(ひょう)現(げん)” (Vocabulary and Expressions) and “文法・内(ない)容(よう)理(り)解(かい) (Grammar and Reading Comprehension)", and they are split into two days.
Please note that there will be NO make-up quiz if you are absent or late/leave early from class. There will be NO exceptions. The purpose of these quizzes is to encourage you to review what has been learned. If there are more than ten quizzes, the best ten scores will be recorded for the final grade. |
Review Tests (復習テスト) |
20% (= 10% x 2) |
There will be two review tests on the content of “Reading Road” and “日本語生中継” focussing on reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary/expressions. The format of the test will be provided when the time approaches. The test will be held in the Final Assessment Period of each term. |
Oral Checks | 12% (= 3% x 4) |
You will have four “Oral Checks.” You need to reserve a time slot during “the Oral Check Week” with a partner you have chosen and have conversations with your partner and with the instructor. There will be a trial week and you will learn how you prepare for these Oral Checks. |
Projects | 18% |
There will be three different projects; one is assigned to individuals and the other two need to be partially worked on in a group. Project 1 will be assigned in the fall term and Project 2 and 3 in the winter term.
Overall Assessment | 2% | Your individual effort and engagement in the course will be evaluated both in class and your performance of various kinds of assignments. Active participation in class is highly evaluated. You are also encouraged to use the office hours if you have any questions or concerns about the course and/or the content of the course. |
Additional Information:
- More details of #1 to #5 will be given in class when the time approaches.
- Your final grade must be B- (70%) or above in this course in order to take EAS460H1/EAS461H1 in the 2021-2022 academic year.
- Any suspected case of academic dishonesty2 will be reported to the Department and be investigated following the appropriate procedures.
Quick References for #1 and #2:
1. Reading Road
Assignments and Quizzes | Target | When/By When | Late Submission/Make-up | Grade Allocation |
内容予習チェック | Every reading text | By the assigned time | Not accepted | The highest mark achieved |
漢字語彙短文作り | Every “Lesson” | By the assigned time | Not accepted | A full mark with submission |
ウィークリー宿題 (セクション1&2) |
Every week | Before Monday class every week | Accepted until the next day of the due date |
A full mark with submission |
小テスト 語彙・表現 | Every “Lesson” | At the end of class | No make-up | The mark achieved |
小テスト 文法・内容理解 | Every “Lesson” | At the beginning of class | No make-up | The mark achieved |
Assignments and Quizzes | Target | When/ByWhen | Late Submission/Make-up | Grade Allocation |
ウォーミングアップ | Every “Lesson” | By the assigned time | Not accepted | The highest mark achieved |
発音練習 |
Every “Lesson” | By the assigned time | Accepted until the next day of the due date |
A full mark with submission |
ロールプレイ | Every “Lesson” | By the assigned time | Accepted until the next day of the due date | The mark achieved |
1Students may not create audio recordings of classes with the exception of those students requiring an accommodation for a disability, who should speak to the instructor prior to beginning to record lectures.
Students creating unauthorized audio recording of lectures violate an instructor’s intellectual property rights and the Canadian Copyright Act. Students violating this agreement will be subject to disciplinary actions under the Code of Student Conduct.
Course videos may not be reproduced or posted or shared anywhere other than the official course Quercus site and should only be used by students currently registered in the course. Recordings may be saved to a student's laptop for personal use.
Because recordings will be provided for all lectures, students may not create additional audio or video recordings without written permission from the instructor. Permission for such recordings will not be withheld for students with accommodation needs.
2The University of Toronto treats cases of academic misconduct very seriously. Academic integrity is a fundamental value of learning and scholarship at the U of T. Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in this academic community ensures that your U of T degree is valued and respected as a true signifier of your individual academic achievement.
The University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters outlines the behaviours that constitute academic misconduct, the processes for addressing academic offences, and the penalties that may be imposed. You are expected to be familiar with the contents of this document. Potential offences include, but are not limited to:
In papers and assignments:
- Using someone else’s ideas or words without appropriate acknowledgement.
- Submitting your own work in more than one course without the permission of the instructor.
- Making up sources or facts.
- Obtaining or providing unauthorized assistance on any assignment (this includes working in groups on assignments that are supposed to be individual work).
On tests and exams:
- Using or possessing any unauthorized aid, including a cell phone.
- Looking at someone else’s answers.
- Letting someone else look at your answers.
- Misrepresenting your identity.
- Submitting an altered test for re-grading.
- Falsifying or altering any documentation required by the University, including (but not limited to) doctor’s notes.
- Falsifying institutional documents or grades.
All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated following the procedures outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. If you have any questions about what is or is not permitted in this course, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have questions about appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information from me or other available campus resources like the College Writing Centres, the Academic Success Centre, or the U of T Writing Website.
The syllabus presented on this page has been slightly edited from its original version. It has been posted for reference purposes only, so that students can learn more about our Japanese language courses and what they consist of.